Top 10k strings from Fontaisia (1984)(Spectrasoft).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   2 Enter Filename Max 10 Char.
   2 )+(keyit=9
   2 "''"Or Enter To Return
   1 y=y+(keyit=11
   1 x=x-(keyit=8
   1 x=x+(mode+2
   1 t$="6 } 32 Characters Per Line":
   1 t$="5 } 36 Characters Per Line":
   1 t$="4 } 42 Characters Per Line":
   1 t$="3 } 51 Characters Per Line":
   1 t$="2 } 64 Characters Per Line":
   1 t$="1 } 85 Characters Per Line":
   1 li=li-(keyit=11
   1 f$(ddd)="1":
   1 co=co-(keyit=8
   1 c$=a$(mode)
   1 address=address+4
   1 address=23306
   1 address,(co*8
   1 Testscr   
   1 Fontasia  
   1 >This program allows you to
   1 ;"Select Style"''"Or Enter To Return"
   1 ;"Select Print Out"''"Or Enter To Return"
   1 ;"Select Function"
   1 ;"Press:- 1}Clear Screen";
   1 ;"Press any key to continue":
   1 ;"Do you want instructions?"
   1 : 5}Display screen
   1 9 3}Save screen
   1 8 4}Load a screen
   1 /width));" chars) >"'
   1 -(keyit=10
   1 )+(keyit=10
   1 ))*(mode+2
   1 "Position O.K.> ";
   1 "Position O.K y/n> ";
   1 "Please Enter width (1-32)> ";
   1 "Now Enter height (1-22)> ";
   1 "Fontasia"
   1 "Fontaisia By Darren Cooper 
   1 "Enter Text >"'
   1 "Enter Text (max ";(
   1 "Enter Paper> ";
   1 "Enter Paper Colour> ";
   1 "Enter Ink> ";
   1 "6}Condensed style"
   1 "5}Wierd style"
   1 "5}Display screen"
   1 "4}Load a screen"
   1 "4}Leaning style"
   1 "3}Save screen"
   1 "3}Cursive style"
   1 "2}Shaded Print Out"
   1 "2}Print screen"
   1 "2}Bold style"
   1 "1}Put text onto screen"
   1 "1}Normal style"
   1 "1}Normal Print Out"
   1 "   Fontaisia By Darren Cooper"
   1  style, or mixture of styles,    chosen from the menu.
   1  maximum characters allowed
   1  design screens of text in a
   1  depends on the width selected.) If you selected Condensed print another menu will appear with   different sizes of print on it. After selecting one of these    you will be then asked for text.]Once all information has been   entered the screen will clear,  displaying any text that has    already been printed (blank at  first).  On the left hand side  of the screen a cursor will
   1  appear, place in position with  the arrow keys and press SPACE  when in desired place for text  to be printed, after choosing   Ink and Paper colours your text is displayed.  If the position  is O.K. Entering Y returns you  to the menu. Entering N removes the text and the cursor will    re-appear.]2}Print screen
   1  When you select this option a sub menu will be displayed with different kinds of text on it.  After selecting the style you   require you will be asked for   the width then height of the    characters you wish to print    (e.g. Height 2,Width 2 will give double size text.)
   1  This option saves the screen  to tape.
   1  This option loads any screen  from tape so you can put text onto it.
   1  This option displays all the  text you have designed.  It alsoallows you to clear the screen  into another paper colour.]
   1  This option allows the screen to be printed onto the Sinclair or Alphacom Printer as normal,  or shaded to the colours on the screen.
   1  After these instructions a menu will be displayed,an explanationof each option follows.]1}Put text onto screen
   1  After entering height and width you will be asked to type in thetext you want to print (the
   1  2}Return To Menu"